Integrative Therapeutics

Product Marketing


Integrative Therapeutics is a supplement company under the Nature’s Way umbrella that caters to a high-achieving audience of consumers and practioners. I was privileged to work with the stellar marketing & design team at SRH to push this client in new creative directions for the branding and marketing of their products.

This project is very special to me because it is the first one I’ve worked on that received an award.

One of the ads (“Placid Portal”), became the top performing ad of its series and went on to inform the visual direction of the following leg of the campaign.


Adobe Photoshop | Adobe After Effects | Adobe Illustrator | Adobe Animate


Motion Design | Photo Manipulation & Compositing | Concepting & Ideation | Photo Retouching


Addy – Regional Silver

SRH Team

Director – Kurt Ravenwood | Creative Lead – Betty Strigens | Motion Design Director – Mauricio Alvarez | Account Manager – Alysha Arnold | Media Manager – Milly Segovia | Graphic Designer – Quyen Tonnu


The creative process for this campaign began with a verbal ideation session which outlined the deliverables, timeframe, and messaging. This was followed by a brainstorming session where the creative team contributed to a collective moodboard to focus the aesthetic.

This moodboard was then reviewed by the creative lead and once a direction was approved, the creative team began pitching ideas for each deliverable, which were assembled in a Google Slides presentation for review with client stakeholders.

From there, revisions were made to the deliverables based on client feedback until the client was pleased with the result.

collection of architecural images with labels and comments
Figjam Moodboard Sample
Google Slides presentation screenshot with pink-hued supplement bottles
Google Slides Presentation Deck Sample

Motion Ads for Social Media

Placid Portal

The concept for this motion ad was to transport the viewer from the stress of their own world to a relaxing respite.

This ad became the top performing ad of this campaign and was the aesthetic touchpoint for the proceeding creative.

This series overall received a Silver Regional Addy Award.

Settling Mind

This companion to “Placid Portal” reinforced the calming and relaxing effect of the product via a hypnotic, double exposure visual and ambient musical treatment.

This ad was part of a series awarded a Silver Regional Addyd.

Clinical Architectural Cinemagraphs

The next leg of this campaign took elements of “Placid Portal” and evolved them into a new style: Clinical Architectural.

An interesting note about the development of this style is that the brainstorming phase of this part of the campaign occurred during the time when AI-generated imagery was exploding in popularity and becoming accessible via Midjourney.  Members of the creative team utilized this emerging technology to draft composite images that inspired the look of the campaign.

A photoshoot was conducted to obtain the beautiful imagery used throughout. The resulting series of ads were conceptualized as subtle cinemagraphs that highlighted the photography.

Static Display Ads & Billboards

Integrative Therapeutics - Cortisol Manager Static Display Ads
collage of images depicted white bottles in front of a window with a blue sky
Integrative Therapeutics - Brand Static Display Ads
Integrative Therapeutics - Cortisol Manager Billboard

For this part of the campaign, I was able to utilized 3D renderings to create static digital display ads. This aesthetic was also used on product billboards. 

These were initially designed only for Cortisol Manager, but the client was so pleased that I was able to make a matching set for the whole brand.

I was also able to later adapt these designs for use as background imagery for the product website.

Animated HTML5 Ads

I created a series of animated HTML5 ads based on a 3D social media ad created by the motion design director, Mauricio Alvarez.

I was really proud of how these ads turned out because I tried a new technique to enhance the visual fidelity. I exported the images as large jpegs and increased the compression, then used vector masks drawn in Illustrator and imported into Adobe Animate to eliminate aliasing around the perimeter of the bottles. 

golden man screenshot

Photo Retouching

A smaller part of this project I was able to work on was retouching the photography. This was really fun for me since I hadn’t really had the opportunity to perform high quality photo retouching since I was in school. 

I used frequency separation in Photoshop to retouch the images in the beginning, but the remove tool was added during the course of this project and I wanted to experiment with it, so I utilized that later on.